Well I do regret to say that it has been quite sometime since I last updated, so I am very sorry for that! Believe me it has not been that nothing is happening, but quite the opposite...everything is happening! But don't you worry I am going to do my very best to catch you up slowly on everything from Lent, to Rhonda (my car) leaving! So be expecting a few extra posts this week as I have a lot to share and a lot to update you on!
This Photo of the week bit is from a Stations of the Cross service I attended and helped with in a local park. It was a pretty great service because it was so very different than other services. For one it was in the middle of the park which invited so many more people to join! However, one of the coolest points was that it was not put on just by one agency, instead it was a group effort between 8 different agencies in Southwest Detroit that are working to better Southwest in different ways. Some of the agencies ranged from ones seeking immigration justice and reform, a church plant, a gun violence advocacy group, "street art" organization and several other agencies working hard for SW Detroit. Each agency took a station or two and presented what they were doing, connected to the station itself! It was a beautiful time to see so many people passionate, working and loving the neighborhood I am living in!
I was even invited to do a station myself as a part of Grace in Action and did the reading of the second station, when Jesus was arrested.
This cross was carried around to each station as the group walked through and each station hung a cross on the large wooden cross.
Here is just one of the stations speaking mostly towards the need to incorporate what our ancestors learned and the importance of intergenerational dialoge.
Another station, this one by Southwest Pride, advocating for an end to gun violence, there were certainly some very sobering statistics.
There was a pretty great turn out of about 50 or so and already talks for next year! (If I help next year I will have to step up my presentation, there were some really powerful ones!)