Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Keep Your Head Up

I have to admit, this morning I write with a heavier heart.

Yesterday at 1:00pm some of the N.O.A.H. family attended a memorial service where we laid to rest one of our good friends (and for once I will use real names on here) Terrence Mitchell. Terrence was a  volunteer at N.O.A.H. for around 15 years and was one of the first few to come in as a man experiencing homelessness and help N.O.A.H. become what it was today. He did everything with a smile and was always working hard to get by and take care of his family.

I really do not know what more to say here, how are we supposed to do justice to a person's life with just words? I think it is here where we have to realize that it is in the memories, conversations and interactions that we have had with Terrence that we remember him. Not through some nice words, instrumental music and an eulogy. I must say too in the midst of a sudden loss we have seen many people bonding together and taking care of one another. Please keep Terrence's family and N.O.A.H. in your thoughts and prayers as we are working through this loss, but in the spirit of Terrance we will keep our heads up no matter what!

"Keep your head up and pray and just keep going-that's reality" -Terrence Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss Brandon. What joy knowing this man will never experience homelessness again as he is in the arms of Jesus! Praying for you to have comfort and peace.
