Thursday, September 27, 2012


       I guarantee you have heard it before, it is a tried and true statement that appears this time every year and with a certain vengeance every four years. I have heard it about a1,000,000 times in the past couple months, and don't worry if you have been living under a rock, you will probably hear it in the next 50 some odd days until the election. You may be curious what the statement is, here we go, lets take away the suspense: "people have died so you may have the right to vote". 
      I have no issue with the statement itself, really it is not so bad, but what gets to me is why it is needed...The times that I have heard this statement seem to be at the end of a long tirade trying to CONVINCE someone to vote. Yes I capitalized "convince," I do that because it is just darn frustrating! America must be convinced!
      Earlier this week I was at a panel discussion called "The Democracy Panel." The above statement was thrown around several times and it really sparked a certain idea in my head. It is amazing to me that people must be convinced to give their opinion. Granted I know America is by no means perfect (no where close), but what kind of ignorance and apathy does it take to not even try to remedy a hurt and somewhat broken society? Don't get me wrong I do not believe that just voting will remedy everything, but I feel that everyone must have an opinion, so why not share it?
      A story for the closing: During the panel some of the issues of the previous presidential election were discussed. One such issue was people showing up to the wrong polling area and then deciding they just no longer wanted to vote. Laziness. Pure laziness. Why is it that we have become so lax with the responsibility to have our voices heard. As people all around the world clamor to have their voice heard, some simply say "its not worth getting all the way back in my car and driving down the street," or even better its not worth actually reading my voter registration information to find out where to go. Laziness. I am not sure where you stand with the candidates, but I pray November 6th you are educated and ready to cast your opinion along side 314,000,000 other people!
     So I have heard that saying many times, but I will continue hearing it and continue to think about it. The line simply tries to evoke some sort of desperation, some motivation, to put into perspective the importance of adding what seems like a small voice to the chorus of millions. Lets add our voices.

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