Sunday, June 30, 2013

Photo(s) of the Week- Fire Up the Grill, N.O.A.H. is on Bell Isle!

So for starters to this Photo of the Week, I need to send out a disclaimer. I know in most every photo of the week there is generally more than one photo, but this week there are even more. I am sorry if it seems I am a little carried away, but I just gotta share it all! I am sure you'll understand.

Anyway, This Friday the N.O.A.H. Project went out to Bell Isle in order to have a cookout for our quarterly hangout/chillout event we do with the volunteers. We started the morning off with a fantastic smoothie bar, egg bakes and of course Monkeybread (the exception to our new "health kick" at N.O.A.H.). After some fun times making all types of smoothies from kale, cayenne and ginger smoothies to the crowd favorite the strawberry, banana and pineapple smoothies, we then packed into cars and headed to Bell Isle! While at Bell Isle we found a nice little shelter and played some charades, fired up the grill and had some delicious food! There was quite the rainstorm, but really that just created quite the story to go along with an awesome day. After eating I got my butt handed to me in chess and dominoes so now I certainly have something to work towards for next year! All in all, it was a day for the N.O.A.H. family to just relax and hang out together, days like that are certainly tiring, but so very worth it!

As you cane tell, no one really goes hungry!

We certainly had a full grill and this was before the torrential downpour and grilling in the rain!

Here we have the awesome game of Charades! And of course the team I was on won (I think).

The 20 miler Map!

So here I am attempting to give you the link to check out the route I took to run the20 miles once I was at Annual Conference

You should be able to click the following link, the only issue may be that if you don't have a Map My Run account it may not let you view it, but it seems that it may work? One thing though, the mileage in that 18.69 miles, which for you mathematicians is less than 20 miles! Well fear not! The Map My Run App that I use for some reason does not show the bridge that crosses over Lake Junaluska right where the ending point is. However, I did cross the bridge there, turned left and did a smaller loop, where I got back on to 19 and then S Lakeshore and crossed back over the bridge to then turn right on North Lakeshore and went back to Stuart, that mileage comes out to 2.42 miles, not including what ever the bridge is... So all in all the total mileage ran was 21.11!

Try it --> THE Map

Thank you so very much for the help, support, encouragement and just all around awesomeness!

I know i posted this picture earlier, but I just like it! Thanks again everyone!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Last Day of Annual Conference!

As is usual I think I just have too much to say and explain! Conference has been so great, I have been able connect with old friends, make connections with new friends, hear about new and different opportunities and be involved in the voting process of the United Methodist Church. The worship here has been simply phenomenal. There has been a very diverse group of speakers, worship leaders and focuses all the while adhering to the overall conference mission found in Micah 6:8: "And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" ( NASB).

The teaching time was certainly enlightening as well with professor of Evangelism at Perkins, Elaine Heath, spoke 3 times teaching each time about the joys, concerns and experiences from beginning new monastic communities across the nation. Also, of course Bishop Larry Goodpastor has been a great leader and example for the conference and those involved!
As for the voting sessions themselves there will certainly be more to come about them and what I experienced, but overall they were wonderful examples of compromise and discussion. I was very thankful for the SPIRIT that influenced and lead our "holy conferencing." I'll expand petitions passed and not passed but for a moment we can sit and connect. Now as I write this, check out the view:

Just a little break in the day from sessions! Not a bad place to break!

Friday, June 21, 2013

20 Miles Down!

20 miles down!!

As you may have seen in other posts, I did reach the goal to get me here to Western NC Conference and as a part of the deal I ran my 20 miles this morning! I woke up around 5:30 and boy was it pretty out there! I have to admit I did stop twice to snap a couple pictures, but overall the run went well. I tried my best to stay focused on just digesting and mulling over what I was seeing at conference and my thoughts on things. It took just under 3 hours and I must say it was great to see so many other very enthusiastic and friendly people out so early. Check out some pictures below and as soon as I get to a computer ill post the route I took! 

So I've got my water and oatmeal and its off to the day's first session! Thanks again guys!

 The "Finish Line"

 The "Start Line"

The view this morning certainly wasn't too bad!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lacein Up the Running Shoes

So many of you may already know about the fund raising effort of running in order to get to Western NC Annual conference. Well it is all complete and I now 20 miles to run! Tomorrow morning is the time and I just wanted to take one moment to thank you so very much for any support, letters and thoughts that were sent my way! I'll be getting up at 5 to get out and get the run done before the sessions begin once again. Thanks so much again and be looking for an update later!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Touched Down in Charlotte- Annual Conference Bufferflies

Boarding in Detroit for Annual Conference and there are a lot of different feelings from excitement to nervousness that are playing out. Annual Conference has had a somewhat of a sense if mystery to it. I have to admit when I was younger it simply signified a certain Sunday in the summer where the senior pastor wouldn't preach. Annual Conference always seemed to have an air of exclusivity to it. I felt as though I wasn't "Methodist" enough or that I didn't know enough John Wesley quotes to be a part of the meeting. Annual Conference seems to have a different meaning now, it is now an opportunity. An opportunity to come around a similar table and do our best to see how the church translates the Spirit of God that works within us to the reality we encounter around us. It seems that there are sometimes such intense arguments, but behind the arguments there is such intense passion. I look forward to Western NC Annual Conference to share what little knowledge and experience I have as a person attempting to discern the movements and will of God and to share the experiences of a US2 Missionary in the United Methodist Church.

So we have touched down in Charlotte and early tomorrow morning, Lake Junaluska here I come hopefully with an open heart and mind and of course my running shoes.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Keep Your Head Up

I have to admit, this morning I write with a heavier heart.

Yesterday at 1:00pm some of the N.O.A.H. family attended a memorial service where we laid to rest one of our good friends (and for once I will use real names on here) Terrence Mitchell. Terrence was a  volunteer at N.O.A.H. for around 15 years and was one of the first few to come in as a man experiencing homelessness and help N.O.A.H. become what it was today. He did everything with a smile and was always working hard to get by and take care of his family.

I really do not know what more to say here, how are we supposed to do justice to a person's life with just words? I think it is here where we have to realize that it is in the memories, conversations and interactions that we have had with Terrence that we remember him. Not through some nice words, instrumental music and an eulogy. I must say too in the midst of a sudden loss we have seen many people bonding together and taking care of one another. Please keep Terrence's family and N.O.A.H. in your thoughts and prayers as we are working through this loss, but in the spirit of Terrance we will keep our heads up no matter what!

"Keep your head up and pray and just keep going-that's reality" -Terrence Mitchell

Monday, June 3, 2013

Photos of the week!- Camping in West MI!

This week's photos of the week are really just from a time of some awesome change of scenery! So, as many may know Celeste has gotten the opportunity to live and work in Detroit this summer helping to organize a program that brings youth into the city to experience and work. Celeste was able to come out early and we took the opportunity to head west across Michigan to Lake Michigan and go camping for two nights! It was great weather, sunny everyday and just a little chilly at night, but such an awesome trip to visit another part of the state! We also took the opportunity to go hiking, check out a couple cities in the area and to be honest I took several naps in the hammock (awesome)!

The awesome sunset off a pier in Grand Haven! (Check it out we are looking almost directly at Chicago here)

Of course the cutesy picture was to be expected right?