Monday, January 28, 2013

Photo of the Week!- MLK Day

So this week's photo of the week actually comes from last Monday which was Martin Luther King Day. I tell you what it was one beautiful and hectic day! The day started with Joni and I were in charge of a meal that would be served at NOAH. Well the morning started off right when about 50 or so volunteers showed up to serve meals! This is madness considering we normally need about 5 at the most! Anyway, there was pork, chicken and beef on a stick, mashed potatoes, vegetables, salad, pasta salad, bread, dessert and more pasta, so along with a lot of people there was a lot of good looking food! It was an awesome time to be at NOAH to just see the mass amount of food and energy that could go into a meal when a lot of people get involved and get excited about it, so thank you to the local 600! I am sorry I whiffed and failed to get a picture of the craziness of the lunch, but take my word for it, it was a beautiful sight!

Then I was a part of a MLK March, which was in memory of the June 23, 1963 march that was had in Detroit that went to Cobo Center. We participated in the march and there are a few pictures of it. It was a pretty powerful time to speak up about more of the issues that are going on today, while also giving our respects to the bravery and courage that Dr. King had in helping to organize and lead a march in Detroit during such a tumultuous as the 1960s.

The flyer for the march

Central UMC decorates the church with several Dr. Martin Luther King quotes.

Artistic Picture?

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