Thursday, January 24, 2013

Awesome Happenings

So currently I am in the process of writing up my next newsletter for December/January, I have my favorite drink, the Champurrado at my favorite coffee shop, Cafe Con Leche and I am hard at work on another update for everyone. So I thought I would just take a moment right off the bat to say if you woud like to receive my newsletter and have not yet or ever, e-mail me at:! Alright, not that is out of the way, story time.

So this actually happened earlier today and I just thought it was a story worth sharing, with some awesome underlying ideas:

Today my good friend (we will call him Rick, and as a background Rick has become one of my very best friends at NOAH) Rick came in early in the morning as I was just finishing organizing a food donation we receive on Wednesday. Rick sat down at my desk and as I was relieved to finish moving boxes of food around, I also slumped into a seat across from my friend. Rick, like myself, uses his bike as his main mode of transportation to work and as Rick is a seasoned 60 year old who has spent some time on the streets, he has developed quite few tricks to riding through the winter and receiving handouts from other shelters of clothing, food and other items from shelters. Rick is very giving of these items and is constantly offering food and other things to his friends. I have never taken Rick up on these offers, as often times I have already eaten breakfast, I don't think I'll use the item or sometimes I just don't want to take his things. During our conversation of catching up we discussed how very cold it had gotten and I mentioned my hands were getting pretty cold while riding. Rick instantly offered to me a pack of hand warmers, but I declined saying I wouldn't use them. The conversation continued and came to an end and on Rick's way out he offered me an egg and cheese sandwich, once again I declined not wanting to take my friend's food. It seemed that was the last straw, Rick abruptly turned around, slightly irritated and says, "Brandon, why don't you ever accept anything I want to give you? Why can't you let me be your friend?" Rick exited and I was left stunned in my chair.

This really left me thinking. How is it that I expected Rick and I's friendship to continue to grow when I expected to be the only one pouring into it? I was convinced that by simply pouring into Rick and by being there for him and by letting him talk to me about things then we were good friends, I would give Rick almost anything. I think my track record of never ever accepting any of Rick's gifts was a reminder of an important factor of friendship that it much be a two-way street. I don't pretend to say that a friendship is built on giving and accepting certain gifts, but I do feel this served as a more tangible and blatant warning to myself. I feel that I am willing to give really anything to my friends, but the question is am I also willing to receive? 

Later on I did snag a biscuit as I realized the oatmeal I thought was in my bag was actually left on the kitchen counter, it's strange how things can work out like that isn't it? I'd like to work on being more open to people's giving and more accepting of the small gifts people would like to give. After all its not much of a friendship if I am only willing to do half the job. Right?

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