Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I have found "justice" to sometimes be a buzz word in many circles. I feel the word “justice” is sometimes thrown around as a tool to evoke emotion (similar to the word “love”). I think there are times in my stint here where I have been shown the simplicity of justice. Justice does not have to be this big grand, over arching idea of fighting on the front lines against a huge oppressor, but justice can be enacted through building a relationship, or simply helping in a compassionate way. Of course I do feel justice may still look like a grand fight against tyranny in some situations, but in my work at NOAH I have seen justice on a smaller, just as meaningful, scope. I hope to live out justice with compassion and an open ear to listen, and an openness to help in what ways I can. All the while fight against the predisposition to pity a person because to pity a person can be a injustice in itself. These are just a few thoughts on justice that have come up in recent conversations, what do you think? Disagree?

Happy Wednesday Yall!

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